Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Big Question

After a busy and tiring weekend I have finally got around to catching up in class. Although I was a bit unsure of staying in AP; I have decided to do so ! My first post being My Big Question, has turned to My Big Question(s) .

1) What does it truly mean to succeed? Do we all have the same idea of what success is?
2) Does our background keep us from achieving ? Even when we try so hard to do good.
3) Are 8th grade teachers truly preparing students for High School ? Are all teachers even teaching as they are suppose to ? Are they challenging students?
4) Am I the only one who seems to think teaching has become like a police job? Like the old joke goes, cops like donuts. Giving the allusion of laziness. Do the actions of teachers now in days cause the dramatic decrease in success?
5) Will the success of one sibling influence the success of another?
6) Why do we get so use to our everyday routine? Causing us to distant ourselves from the closest people in our lives.
7) Why we ALL seem to focus more on the negative than the positive? (especially parents)

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